
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life



Practise saying the alphabet. Can you say the names of the missing letters? Can you remember which letters are the vowels?



Revise split digraphs and how they work.




Can you sort these pictures into the correct part of the table?




Revisit the story of 'The Little Red Hen'. Can you retell the story to an adult in the correct order? Use some pictures to help you if you are unsure.


Today, we are going to plan to change some parts of the story. Have a go at answering the below questions about the changes we could make to the plot.


1. Could the hen meet different animals? If so, which ones would you choose?

2. Which type of different food could be grown/made?

3. What different jobs are needed in order to prepare/grow the food?


Talk your ideas through with an adult and jot them down.


Use the planning frames below to record the changes to be made to the story– the food which is grown, the jobs the hen needs to do and the animals she will ask.


Problem of the Day: Can you solve it? Send us your answer on Seesaw please.

Today you will be learning to find and make number bonds to 20.


Fluency in number facts is a skill that is arguably one of the most important numerical skills that children may develop. Naturally, it may seem as though children are progressing if they are working with larger numbers and trickier concepts (which is true and fabulous!), but in fact it is observing the behaviour of smaller numbers and number patterns in the Early Years and Year 1 that is most important for them to understand how numbers work. 


Asking children to prove how a number bond works, using objects such as Dienes, cubes or by drawing, can extend their depth of understanding about how numbers can be manipulated and what these mathematical processes actually look like.


We would consider them fluent in number facts to 20 when they are able to solve number problems such as __ + 6 = 20 and explain or prove how they arrived at this answer. They should also be able to say the related addition and subtraction facts too, for example:


14 + 6 = 20

6 + 14 = 20

20 - 6 = 14

20 - 14 = 6


They may also make links to a number bond to 10 that they know by heart and use this link to derive related facts to 20.


* The Year 1 curriculum expects that children have a good depth of understanding and fluency in the number bonds to all numbers within 20 (so all of the related addition and subtraction facts to 17 for example and not just to 20).*


Click on the link below and watch the video for 'Week 3 Lesson 1' which is all about number bonds and then you can complete the activity sheets and other interactive activities below.

