Aspire, Care, Learn for Life
Welcome to Year 3!
Thank you for visiting the Year 3 page. This is where you will find information about our learning. If you have any questions, please contact us on the email addresses below.
Miss Gullick and Mr Woollard
Year Three Knowledge Organisers
Times Table Rock Stars Guidance
Additional Resources
Following requests from a previous parent's evening, we have created the following documents to assist in supporting your child at home further with their; maths, reading and spelling.
Fun Spelling Activities
Take a look at this long list of fun and different ways to learn your weekly spellings! There is certain to be something here to interest everyone. How many will you try? Take pictures of any that you have a go at and email them to your teacher!
Fun Grammar Games
Have a look at the games below. Which one is your favourite? Can you beat your adults?
Let us know how you get on!