
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life


Mathematics - Lesson 5 - Shapes

Today we are going to be revising 2 Dimensional shapes (2D shapes) and 3 Dimensional shapes (3D shapes). So get your shape brains in gear!


Starter: Look at today's big picture and reflect on the Maths that you can see. Also there is a One More and One Less quiz for you to have a go at.


Main: Explore different 2 Dimensional Shapes (2D shape) with a quiz.

Then look at 3 Dimensional Shapes (3D shapes) and the difference.


Dessert: Go on a 3 Dimensional Shape (3D Shape) hunt in your home. When on your hunt, talk about the properties of the shapes (see examples in the PowerPoint).


Go for it and Keep In Shape!




Mathematics - Lesson 5 - Shapes

3 Dimensional Shape Sheet
