
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life



Today's musical tribute is to Hairspray. We hope you recognise the music and find yourself just wanting to dance and sing along.

Pupil Passport

This week, we would like you to complete the Tyrrells Pupil Passport to share information about yourself with your new teacher. This year, we have added a new section so that you can share your lockdown achievements. 

As this will contain your name and personal information, we would like you to send the completed passports to your teacher by email who will then pass them on to your new teacher(s) securely. 

(This message will appear for the rest of the week but you only need to complete this once!)


Continuing from our work on yesterday, read through the "2D Shape Translations PPT" up to slide 7. Then have a go at the Starter match up game and mark using slide 8.

Read through slides 9 to 11 and complete Activity 2 and mark using the answers provided at the end.
Then have a go at the quiz on slides 13 to 17.


Today is of a similar format to the work set on Tuesday:


  • Question Time! Comprehension questions designed to deepen your understanding. You can discuss these with your adults at home.
  • Sentence Challenge! These are grammar and punctuation activities at sentence level. They are an opportunity to practise what you have previously learnt.
  • Sick Sentences! A chance to show off your editing and improving skills. Boring sentences or sentences with mistakes that you need to work your magic on.
  • Perfect picture! An art task where you can set your creativity free.
  • Story Starter! Read this carefully and then continue the text. By now you should be inspired and fired up to create your own writing related to the image!


If you didn't complete the story starter on Tuesday, make sure to do that today.


Today, we are going to be finding out all about the digestive system. Watch the video clip below that shows how the digestive process works inside our body. Remember, it all starts from the moment that we salivate thinking about eating food and as we bite down on it and chew.


Read through the Powerpoint to find out all about the digestive system in humans.

How much can you remember from this and the video to mark up the digestive system?

Fancy recreating the digestive system?

You would have had an opportunity to experience doing this in school with us, so why not watch how could recreate the digestive system and have a go at home!?!?
