Aspire, Care, Learn for Life
Today we will be revising how to pronounce any tricky graphemes that you might need to revisit.
Help the squirrels find the correct way to pronounce the tricky grapheme!
Today we are learning to write sentences, sequencing them to form a short narrative.
Re-read ‘Supermoo’ by Babette Cole. Recap- what type of book this is.
Which characters are in the story?
Are they good characters or bad?
What settings are in the story?
What is Supermoo’s job?
Who helps her?
What places and equipment does she use?
What super powers does she have that make her different from the other cows?
Discuss the fact that Supermoo likes to help solve environmental problems – what was the catastrophe in the story? What other catastrophes could she help with? Make a quick list of your ideas, for example:
- rubbish left on the school field
- the grass turning pink
- the sea being drained away
- rain turning into golf balls
You are now going to write your very own Supermoo story using your choice of storyboard below. Your story must incude Supermoo and Calf Crypton saving the world from something that it trying to destroy the environment!
Remember, your Every Time I Write success criteria still applies!
Problem of the Day: Can you solve it? Send us your answer on Seesaw please.
Today we are learning to explore number bonds and matching subtraction facts up to 20.
First let's recap the different ways we have learnt to solve addition equations this year. Have a go at answering the below questions and explain to an adult how you used this method to find the answer.
Can you show an adult how you might use your Dienes to solve the equation 6 + 13?
Now, have a go at your choice of challenge below!
Challenge 1:
Using digit cards to 10 choose two numbers.
Add them together.
You may draw counters, ten frames or a part whole model to help you.
You can also use cubes or Dienes.
Challenge 2:
Using digit cards to 20 choose two numbers.
Add them together.
You may draw counters, ten frames or a part whole model to help you.