Aspire, Care, Learn for Life
Today, we will be comparing different units of lengths and working out which are greater than (>) or less than (<) or the same as each other.
The key to remember is to convert the lengths into the same unit of measurement so you can easily compare.
There is a support sheet to remind you how to convert different units of length too in case you need it.
Choose the appropriate challenge level for you and remember to self mark your answers.
Today we are returning to our class book "The Chocolate Tree" and we are going to find out about a different character, Night Jaguar.
So please read only pages17-23 of the book, this is Chapter 2 Jaguar Nights.
Now, reread chapter 2 and focus on the main character Night Jaguar. Think about the questions below to be able to take notes to capture what type of character he is.
1. Who is he?
2. Describe his appearance?
3. What is his personality like?
4. What is his relationship with others, i.e. the Mayans like?
5. Where does he live?
These notes are really important because these will be needed for your task today. Pay particular attention to the adjectives that you could use.
Then check against the answers below, only once you have recorded your own notes.
You now have detailed descriptions of the two main characters, Kukulkan and Night Jaguar.
Your task today is to draw the two characters, perhaps fold a piece of paper in half so you can show the characters side by side.
If necessary reread Chapters 1 and 2 again and consider the following points:
- How will the characters' facial expressions vary?
- How will the characters be moving?
- How will you show the difference in their jobs?
- How will their appearance vary?
- What colour scheme will you choose for each character?
Please upload your images to SeeSaw so we can see your results.
Read through slides 1-8 of the "String Telephone PPT". Make sure to complete the activity on slide 2 using the "Travelling Sounds worksheet".
Now, using slides 9 to 11 and the "String Telephone activity sheet" make your own cup telephone. What do you notice when the string is taught, or loose? Experiment in your garden.
Don't forget to share your findings with us on SeeSaw.