
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!


Thank you for visiting the Year 6 page. This is where you will find information about our learning. If you have any questions, please contact us on the email addresses below. 


Mrs Crowder (Saunders) and Miss Summers

Year 6 Knowledge Organisers

Our Last Day in Year 6

What a fantastic year for our 2024 cohort - they have truly been amazing! We are very proud of the people they are growing into and wish them the best of luck as they move to secondary school. We enjoyed our last day by performing the end of year production to the school and then spent time with each other for the last few hours of primary school. The end of the day was marked with a confetti cannon and bubbles!

Art - Henry Moore & Alberto Giacometti

In Art, Year 6 have been studying sculpture, particularly the human form. They researched two famous artists (Henry Moore and Alberto Giacometti) and compared their work, with a focus on their sculptures. They then designed their own sculptures using their sketching skills and even posed in the positions themselves which were then photographed! The children then created an armature (a framework for a sculpture to be moulded on) out of wire, tin foil and masking tape. Finally, they used modroc (plaster) to create their final piece.


As part of The Apprentice, each team used these sculptures to set up their own art galleries, creating an information card to go with each piece of artwork. It was excellent to see so much collaboration going on! 

Stop Motion - Wallace & Gromit

As part of computing and DT, Year 6 created stop motion videos inspired by Wallace & Gromit's Cracking Contraption series. For inspiration, the children watched 'The Snooz-a-tron' and then wrote a detailed explanation in English. After each group had to carefully design their own time saving invention and use it as inspiration for their own short stop motion film. There was a detailed planning process, including making story boards and designing a set. Next, each group made their characters out of plasticine and brought their set designs to life using a range of materials. After, the groups shot each 'movement' in their film which they eventually put together using Movie Maker. Take a look below to see the final films! 

Deliveroo 3000

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The Auto-Maid 5000

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The Auto-Clean 7000

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Auto-Diner vs Wallace & Gromit

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The Cheese-O-Bot Infinite

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Dinner Maker 3000

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Dinner-Maker 6000

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The Cheese Defender Bot 2000

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Dog Feeder 3000

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Food-Bot 999

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The Deliveroo 3000

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The Ultra Cleaner

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Food-Bot 999

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Dinner Date with Wallace & Wendy

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Hand Me The Crackers 5000

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Tea 2000

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Cheese Defender Bot

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The Auto-Cleaner

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The Auto-Cleaner

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6C - J, D, J & M

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The Dog Feeder 2800

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The Tea 2000

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Science Experiment - The Circulatory System

As part of their learning in science, Year 6 completed a range of exercise based experiments to study the impact of exercise on heart rate. Each group had to develop a testable question and then plan their experiment. They had to consider a range of scientific skills: prediction, methods, collecting and presenting results and forming conclusions. Not only this, each group thought about the variables in their experiment - what they had to control, change and measure. The children had great fun and it really supported their collaborative working skills! They also managed to sneak in a range of mathematical skills from number, time, drawing tables and creating accurate graphs. 

SATs Party!

After a busy week, year 6 celebrated the end of SATs in style! We had a party on the field with music, food (thank you for the donations) and free time. We are incredibly proud of our year 6 children this week; every single person went into the week with a positive mindset, resilience and 100% effort. We could not be prouder of the mature and diligent approach they all took. They all did their absolute best and took the week as a chance to shine and show off all of their hard work. 

Science: Micro-organisms

Whilst studying ‘Living Things and their Habitats’ in science, 6C and 6S have studied whether or not micro-organisms are living things. We learnt that yeast consumes sugar and gives off carbon dioxide. To test this, we mixed yeast, sugar and warm water to create a reaction that should release carbon dioxide and consequently inflate the balloon. After each 5 minute interval, we noticed the balloon inflating. Take a look at the photos below!


In the second part of the lesson, we focused on the fungus, mould. We knew that mould grows on food and we learned that tiny cells of mould are called spores. Mould spores live in the air all the time but when the mould spores land on food, they grow and thrive by feeding off it.


We worked in groups to plan an experiment that would investigate the condition in which mould would grow. Each group is testing a different variable such as temperature, access to light, sealed or unsealed bag and even dry or damp! We will continue to observe the bread over the coming days to see what grows!

DT: Anderson Shelter

To end our WW2 unit, year 6 have been busy making Anderson shelters as part of the DT curriculum. The children spent time identifying features of Anderson Shelters from WW2 and used this to develop design ideas. They really focused on the structure of the product and how they could strengthen their final products to make it as safe as possible! Finally, using their understanding of circuits, from their study of Electricity in science, the children created a working circuit to go inside their Anderson shelter to add light. Children worked in groups to build there shelters and these pictures display the finished pieces. 

PGL Day 5

This morning we woke up with many jobs to complete - clear beds, close bags, empty bins and then BREAKFAST! All groups had their final activities; for most groups the final activities were abseiling and sensory trail but one of the groups finished with beach walk. We then had lunch before loading our bags on the coach and making our departure. We have all thoroughly enjoyed our week at PGL - we have developed our teamwork skills, independence and resilience. 

PGL Day 4

Our final full day at PGL! We have had an action packed day - it started with breakfast like always! Today we participated in lots of activities such as a coastal walk, trapeze, big swing, riffle shooting, problem solving, survivor, zip wire, sensory trail and abseiling. Everyone has challenged themselves today to climb higher than they have before and try new things. It's been cold but we have had sunshine and constantly been on the move! Before lunch, we visited the shop and got spend our money. After our final dinner, we are heading off for a campfire sing song and to eat some of our goodies. We have had a fantastic time and can't wait to tell you all about it when we are home. 


Campfire Songs

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PGL Day 3

Once again, we started the day with breakfast to keep us energised for the day - we all had an amazing night's sleep! Today we completed a range of activities: zip wire, riffle shooting, problem solving, big swing, climbing, canoeing, survivor and orienteering. We have experienced some rain but the children have shown great resilience and teamwork to continue with their activities. We are spending some time warming up and showering before heading to dinner and then an evening quiz. 


PGL Day 2

This morning, after a good night's sleep, we started the day with a cooked breakfast or cereal and then went off to our first activities below which included (depending on their group) archery, Jacob's Ladder, riffle shooting and climbing. We are looking forward to lunch which includes a variety of options but the children are very much looking forward to burgers! After, we will be completing more activities such as canoeing, problem solving, zip wire and orienteering. Tonight we will be going to a disco where there is also a quiet room for those who would prefer not to dance. 

PGL Day 1

This afternoon, we enjoyed a walk around the site and then settled into our dorms. We have had a delicious dinner and then enjoyed a games evening with the final task of protecting a water balloon from bursting when dropped. Goodnight everyone!

PGL Day 1

We have arrived at Bawdsey Manor and now off for a tour of the site. We have had a great journey and are excited to settle into our rooms! 

Wartime Tea


On Thursday 2nd November, we invited members of the community and relatives to our 'Wartime Tea'. In P.E. we have been learning the Lindy Hop. In music, we have been singing 1940s songs including Run Rabbit Run, It's a Long Way to Tipperary and We'll Meet Again. Throughout the afternoon, we performed our dances and songs to our visitors as well as serving tea and cake. We also enjoyed spending time with our visitors, talking about their memories of war or their relative's experiences and discussing our learning. We would like to say thank you for all of the lovely cake and biscuit donations - they were very much enjoyed by our visitors and the children. 

Black History Month


Throughout October, all classes at Tyrrells have been working on a project to present at a showcase to highlight the life and works of black British women. 6C worked on a project about Dame Kelly Holmes and 6S worked on a project about Naomi Campbell. At the end of the project, we were able to attend the showcase and learn about other significant individuals studied by the other year groups. 

Local Study: Chelmsford in the Blitz


A key part of our topic has been to learn about how Chelmsford was impacted throughout the war but particularly during the Blitz. During our lessons in the classroom, we learned about why Chelmsford was a target during the Blitz and how Chelmsford prepared and responded to raids. At the end of the first half term, we went on a local walk which took us down to the river and along to the ARU site with the destination of the Marconi and Hoffmann Buildings. These buildings were significant in the war effort. The Hoffmann Factory produced ball bearings which were used within machinery and vehicles leading up to and throughout the war. The Marconi Building was home of the radio and communication.

World War II Experience Day


To kickstart our topic, we enjoyed an experience day where we learnt about the Battle of Britain. We engaged in an interactive workshop where we experienced what it would be like to be an Air Raid Warden: we practised commands; built Anderson and Morrison shelters and had a go at defusing a bomb. We also took part in a carousel of activities to learn about different artefacts, complete a fact file quiz and enjoyed a mathematical game themed around raids during the Blitz. We very much enjoyed our day and learned a lot from our visitor!

Meet the Teacher - 2023

Wartime Tea Songs and Lyrics


In preparation for the Wartime Tea event in November, the children are learning a number of songs from the 1940s. Use the documents below to access the songs and lyrics. 

Year 6 Maths Curriculum - Support Documents


Below are some documents that outline the maths curriculum for the year as well as methods and strategies the children will use in class. Please be aware some adaptations will be made around when certain concepts are taught. 

Year 6 Football Rules - Break & Lunch


As a year group, the pupils have taken a mature approach to playing football with their peers at break and lunch by developing their own set of rules to follow. Year 6 as a cohort created these rules and have promised to follow them. Please see the rules below. 

Useful Websites
