Aspire, Care, Learn for Life
Today we will be learning to talk about food that you like and dislike and give reasons.
Ask the children to say which is their favourite food/ favourite meal. Listen to Bread and Jam for Frances using the link below.
Discuss why Frances’ mum let her eat bread and jam every day. What would happen if you were allowed to eat your favourite food every day?
Frances describes the jam as sticky, sweet and tasty. Help children to come up with other describing words for food and write them down.
Children complete the sentence stem My favourite food is… because it is… Use the five senses to describe how the food tastes, looks, smells and feels. Think about food for celebrations.
Run a food tasting activity which includes healthy foods with different appearances, textures and tastes. Ask children to contribute words to describe the taste or feel of the food or drink in their mouth. Discuss likes and dislikes and how this is different for everyone. Also mention that likes and dislikes change over time (you could give a personal example here e.g. I didn’t used to like olives but now I do).
Ask children to help work out some opposites e.g. sweet/sour, crunchy/soft, juicy/dry as well as other useful adjectives. Finish the session by completing the sentence stem: I liked the … because it was… e.g. I liked the bread sticks because they were crunchy. Repeat with I didn’t like the … because… e.g. I didn’t like the raisins because they were too sticky.