Aspire, Care, Learn for Life
Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
You can contact the Governors directly by email:
Mr. David Bome - Community Governor (Chair of Governors)
Responsibility: Foundation/Governance Monitoring Co-ordination/Wellbeing and EYFS
Term of Office: Nov 2022 - Nov 2026
Mrs. Emma Howick - Parent Governor (Vice Chair of Governors)
Responsibility: SEND
Term of Office: November 2022 - November 2026
Mrs. Cheryl Court - Parent Governor
Responsibility: Health & Safety
Term of office: Nov 2022 - Nov 2026
Mr. Martin Greenwood - Community Governor
Responsibility: Safeguarding & Child Protection
Term of Office: March 2017 - March 2025
Mr. Paul Edwards - Associate Governor (Chelmsford Learning Partnership Trustee)
Term of Office: Nov 2013 -
Mr. Kuldeep Kundan - Community Governor
Term of Office: December 2022 - December 2026
Mrs. Liane Mateer - Teacher Governor
Term of Office: April 2024 - April 2028
Mrs. Heather Radhakrishnan - Parent Governor
Responsibility: PP/PE sports grant/Equality/Pupil Voice
Term of Office: Jan 2022 - Jan 2026
Mrs. Alison Vince - Support Staff Governor
Term of Office: April 2024 - April 2028
Name of Governor | 25.09.23 | 13.11.23 | 22.01.24 | 11.03.24 | 29.04.24 | 10.06.24 | Total |
Mr D Bome | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | 5/6 |
Mrs C Court | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | 6/6 |
Mrs A Daines | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | 6/6 |
Mr M Greenwood | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | Y | 5/6 |
Mr K Kundan | N | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | 4/6 |
Mrs E Howick | N | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | 4/6 |
Mrs L Mateer | Y | Y | 2/2 | ||||
Mrs H Radhakrishnan | N | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | 5/6 |
Mrs A Vince | Y | Y | 2/2 | ||||
Mrs K Wilkinson | Y | Y | 2/2 |
Name | Role | Current Employment | Nature of Business | Nature of Interest | Day of Appoint or Acquisition | Date of Cessation of Interest | Date of Entry |
David Bome | Governor (Chair) | Copford Primary School | Education | Headteacher | Confirmed 23/01/24 | ||
Cheryl Court | Governor | PKF Littlejohn LLP | Accountants | Partner - PKF | 25/09/23 | ||
Amanda Daines | Headteacher | The Tyrrells School (CLP) | Education | Nil Return | 07/01/2022 | ||
Martin Greenwood | Governor | Schroders | Asset Management | Nil Return | 03/03/2014 | 02/02/2024 | |
Emma Howick | Parent Governor (Vice Chair) | Haysmacintyre Accountancy Company | Accountants | Nil Return | 31/07/2023 | 14/06/2023 | |
Kuldeep Kundan | Governor | Alpha Analytics ITS | Business or Finance | Director | 04/02/2009 | 29/02/2024 | |
Kundans Inc Ltd | Business or Finance | Director | 08/05/2017 | ||||
New Vision Trust | Other Governance | Member | 28/11/2017 | ||||
Five Talents Inc ITS | Business or Finance | Director | 21/01/2020 | ||||
Kundans Journeys Inc | Business or Finance | Director | 06/07/2022 | ||||
Manor Park Christian Centre | Business or Finance | Trustee | 27/02/2013 | ||||
Liane Mateer | Staff Governor | The Tyrrells School (CLP) | Education | Nil Return | 20/04/2024 | ||
Heather Radhakrishnan | Parent Governor | Honywood School | Education | Nil Return | 04/09/2020 |
| 23/01/2024 |
Alison Vince | Staff Governor | The Tyrrells School (CLP) | Education | Nil Return | 20/04/2024 |
Agreed Minutes of Governors' meetings are available from the School Office.