
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life



This week's work is going to be based around the story 'Supermoo' by Babette Cole. 

Start by watching the story being read by Humphry at the KidsPlay Children's Museum.

Talk about what type of book this is. Which characters are in the story? Are they good characters or bad?

Who is the hero in the story? What other heroes can you think of in Superhero stories? What special powers did they have? What did they have on their special costume? If you were a superhero, what special thing would you like to be able to do? What colour would your costume be? What special equipment would you have?

For today's activity we'd like you to create a special Supermoo costume. This should be labelled to show all of the special features - a little like the pictures below, but with captions where appropriate to add extra detail. 




You can use the sheet below, or draw out your own version of Supermoo in her special superhero costume.

We look forward to seeing your labelled designs - please don't forget to send them through to us on Seesaw. 


Problem of the Day: Can you solve it? Send us your answer on Seesaw please. 



Today we are learning to explore number bonds and matching subtraction facts up to 20.


Ask children to recite their number bonds up to 10 and then extend children to recite their number bonds up to 20. 


Show children the below pictures and ask them to complete the fact family. 




Now ask children to represent the family facts using the part-whole model. 





Now ask the children to represent the fact families using the bar model below.




Choose a challenge from below: 
