
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life



We are looking at comparing decimals. This will mean working out whether a decimal is greater than, or less than another one. Take care to read through the "Compare Decimals PPT" carefully.

Also, refresh your mind with the Decimal place value digits sheet provided yesterday, as well as the reminder on greater than and less than signs. All of which can be found below.

Using this knowledge, have a go at completing the "Compare fraction monsters" Worksheet, having chosen the appropriate challenge level. When complete, self mark your work using the answers provided.


You will be completing the right hand side of your plan today. This is challenging you to think about the specific features relating to persuasive writing. 

Recap previous work on the website about the importance of the following structures

Persuasive sentence starters

Emotive language

Rhetorical questions


Positive future consequences

Causal conjunctions


Where could you use examples of these features and what particular ideas would you want to make sure you include in your hot write next week.

Outdoor Learning

This afternoon, choose one (or more) of the outdoor learning activities from the links below. 

You will find additional information (such as how to adapt the activity for indoors) by following the hyperlinks within the document.

The documents contain Early Years, Lower Primary and Upper Primary tasks.  You can either scroll down to find the Upper Junior tasks - or if you spot something else you would like to do, go for it!!

Remember to up load a picture to Seesaw so we can see what you have been up to.  Enjoy!!
