Aspire, Care, Learn for Life
Now it is time to refresh our minds back to fractions. Today we are going to be looking at subtracting fractions with the same denominator.
Have a look at page 3 of the fraction help sheet to recap the learning we have already done in class together.
Today, we are going to explore conjunctions. Conjunctions are words that join clauses together. Read pages 2 and 3 of the causal conjunction document below. This shows there are some conjunctions that add more information eg and, as well, also. There are also contrasting conjunctions - these give an opposite view or point (but, however, on the other hand) There are also causal conjunctions that explain the effect of something that has happened eg so, therefore, consequently.
Causal conjunction are what we are going to be focussing on today.
Use pages 4 to 8 to try to identify the conjunctions as well as the causes and effects and putting them into sentences, try saying them verbally.
Check out page 6 - How is this one different? Answer, that the cause and the effect sometimes go in different places in the sentence.
You have carried out a lot of research on coordinates and the Royal Ordnance Survey, so today is a practical lesson.
Your challenge is to complete a bird's eye view plan of a room in your house or out in your garden. So imagine you were looking down from the ceiling. This will look like a floor plan (an example of which is shown below), mark down where say a table or chair is located using a symbol. Draw this on a grid (an example of this is included below if you need) and write coordinates of the location of furniture. Make sure to include a key.