
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life



We are continuing to learn revise split digraphs today through practising some dictation.


First, have a go at sounding out these words. Can you then spell them aloud using their letter names?



An adult will read aloud the below sentences. Can you write down exactly what they have said? Can you spot and spell the split digraphs correctly?


Kate likes to ride her new bike.

Pete is going to make a huge cake.

Dave needs a line to write his name.

When it was time to go home, Jill saw a rose down the side of the wall.


Now, check what you have written- did you get it all correct?


Yesterday you said your version of The Little Red Hen aloud to an adult and created a flow chart to sequence your ideas. Remind yourself of your story... 

Who were the new characters?

What new food did you choose?

Which new jobs needed to get done?


Today, you are going to use your flow chart and your planning frame to write the story.


Can you remember how to write a good story opener? Have a look at the example below for some ideas:


Once upon a time a Little Red Hen lived on an ancient farm with a shy sheep, a lively llama and a cheeky chick. One sunny day, the Little Red Hen found some crinkly carrot seeds on the dusty ground...


Remember to re-read your work as you go along and to check your planning frame and flowchart so that you know that you have written the story correctly. To ensure that you have produced a fabulous piece of writing, it is important that you remember the following things:


* Follow the repeating pattern and structure of the original story (e.g ''Who will help me cut the wheat?''. ''Not I'', said the lazy Dog....)

* Capital letters and full stops

* Use WOW adjectives

* Finger spaces

* Use time connectives (e.g Then, the Little Red Hen asked.. Next, the Little Red Hen said..


We can't wait to read your wonderful stories!


Problem of the Day: Can you solve it? Send us your answer on Seesaw please. 

Today we are learning to count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number. We will also be learning to count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals.


Warm up finding 1 more and 1 less by playing the game below.

Play ‘Hide/Reveal number square’ game below.

Pick a 2-digit number using the link to the random number generator and hide the hundred square. Can you write down which numbers would come before and after your number? What about above and below your number?

Now, using the worksheets below, complete missing sections of the hundred square and number sequences.