
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life



We appreciate it is a Monday morning, but there is no reason we can't be "Happy"!!!

Pupil Report Comments

Dear Parents/Carers,


Please help your child to complete the Pupil Report Comments template below. They can choose to either type or hand write their reflections on the year. If they chose to hand write their ideas, please either scan the finished document or take a photograph. Completed templates should be sent by email to your child's teacher by Monday 20th July. This copy will be added to the teacher written report and kept for our own records. You are invited to keep your original copy as a record of your child's view of their school year and can add this to their teacher report, once received. We look forward to receiving their thoughts as they look back on 2019/2020.


(This message will appear all week but you only need to complete it once!)


The Year 4 Team


Today we are continuing with coordinates, with plotting points and trying to identify the shape that this creates. Read carefully through the "Coordinate polygons PPT" Then have a go at tackling the appropriate challenge level for you, there is an extra mild version if you require. If needed, there is a summary of 2D shapes and their names to refresh you with.


Have a go at the Sheepdog championship coordinate game. The player that rounds up the most sheep wins!!


Today is a focus on improving our reading and inference skills. Use the weblink below to apply your reading skills to solve and answer questions. Dip into a variety of different texts and genres.

Science - Teeth 

Following on from your lesson on Thursday, use your knowledge to tackle the "Human teeth activity" 

Once complete, try out the "Tooth exploration" with someone in your household.