
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life



Today we are consolidating our understanding of equivalent fractions. The activities below, require you to calculate the equivalent fraction in its lowest form and then colour it in a specific colour.

For example 2/4 in is lowest form is 1/2.

Choose one of the designs below to tackle.


Today we are going to be looking at all the persuasive writing features we have studied over the last few days and to apply it to our own writing.

Using the Persuasive language document below (not need to print out) work through some of the guidance given

Slide 1 - This is a paragraph taken from a magazine. Can you spot the different persuasive writing features it includes?

Slide 2 - Highlighted text that covers sentence starters, emotive language and conjunctions

Persuasive sentence starters - Tries to change your mindset before you have even considered the key points.

Emotive language - Tries to draw out positive emotions such as desire, excitement; and happiness

Key words or phrases to instil emotions - eg relax and unwind, calm relaxing holiday, big cheesy smiles

Causal conjunctions - develop a strong argument by saying the cause and effect.

Slide 3 - This instills negative emotions and more likely to be appropriate is trying to persuade people to donate to a charity, adopt a pet.

Today you will be planning the main body of a persuasive piece of writing, you will have chance to write this up tomorrow.

Brainstorm with someone at home ideas of points that you would include in the main body of a text about the topic "School uniform should be banned"

There are three different planning documents you can choose from

Green - Has a selection of ideas already recorded

Orange - Has one idea summarised

Red - Free for you to come up with your own points

Summarise the key points that you would include in your writing. Remember that your plan is not in full sentences it is bullet points of ideas.


Lesson 2 - Invertebrates and Vertebrates

Work through slides 1-14 on the "Classifying Vertebrates PPT". Sort the "Vertebrates Photo Sorting Cards" into the different animal groups. Play the BBC video on PPT Slide15. Continue through slides 16 and 17. Complete the "classifying vertebrates worksheet".

Watch the video clip below which discusses "What are classification keys?" Generate your own questions in order to complete a classification key using the "Generating questions to complete key worksheet".