
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life



Even though we've all been keeping ourselves and our families safe at home over the Easter break, we bet that you've done lots of different and fun activities. 

Today we'd like you to write about some of the things that you did during the Easter break. As these things have already happened, you will need to use the past tense for your writing. 

To remind you about adding -ed to verbs in order to 'send them into the past', watch this little video.

Think about the last two weeks. Write at least five sentences about your Easter break and draw a picture to go with them. What did you do over Easter? What did you play? Who did you talk to?


Remember to start sentences with a capital letter and to include finger spaces.


Can you 'WOW' up your sentences with some interesting adjectives? Could you add some more detail by using the word 'and' to join on some extra information? For the more confident writer, you could sequence your sentences using time connectives such as first, then and next. 


For example: I planted a plant in my garden.

Could become: I planted a huge spiky green grass in my sunny back garden and it was really tiring work digging the hard earth.


Here are a few verb suggestions for you to choose from, if you're struggling to think of any: 

walk    cook    talk     play    watch     visit     help    ask    enjoy    look    jump    pull    push


Please write the sentences in your notebook, or on a piece of paper - and send us a photo or a scan in on email or on Seesaw.



Today we are going to revise the /ee/ sound family. 

Watch the below video and note down any words that you can see that contain the /ee/ sound. Be careful, there are lots of different ways of spelling the /ee/ sound!

Now, create two headings titled 'ey' and 'y'. Underneath each heading, can you think of as many words that contain these spellings of the /ee/ sound? Have a look at the example below to help you.


ey                         y

key                    hairy


Problem of the Day: Can you solve it? Send us your answer on Seesaw or by email.

This week in Maths we will be counting and recognising numbers greater than 50.

Today we will be learning to count groups of ten then count on in ones to identify 2-digit numbers. Children will need to cut out the Dienes equipment using the document below…

….Or alternatively they can use the Dienes on this website:

Look at the picture below.

Can you see any things that have been made into groups of 10? Children to point out straw bundles, twig bundles and bricks organised into groups of ten.

Ask: How many bricks do you think there are?

Say: The bricks have been organised into groups of ten. Let’s count in tens. How many bricks are there?


Now use the Dienes to practice counting in 10s. Children to practice counting out groups of ten using the Dienes equipment. Children count out loud the groups of ten and say what the total number is, for example, nine groups of ten is equal to 90.

They take turns until all multiples of ten have been recognised.


GAME: You could play a quick game where the adult makes a number that is a multiple of 10 using Dienes and the child counts the Dienes out and says the number.

* If children need more confidence counting in 10s independently, please scroll to the asterisk at the bottom of the page.


Now we’re going to learn to count in tens first, then count on in ones.

Show children the image below of 74 bricks grouped into seven tens and four individual bricks.

Say: The pig wants to count his bricks.

Should he count in ones? Why/why not? (it’s slow)

How else could he count? (in tens first)

Why is it better to count in tens if we can? (it’s faster)


Count the bricks: Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy. I’ve counted all the groups of ten. Now I need to count on in ones: 71, 72, 73, 74. The pig has 74 bricks.


Write the number 74. Now count again, this time pointing to the Dienes representations as you count.


Model the same principle on a number line using the link below, with Dienes representing the tens and ones. Draw in the jumps and count out loud simultaneously.

Complete the activity below. Children use the pictorial representations to make the numbers using Dienes. Whilst doing so, they count out loud, counting first in tens then on in ones until they reach the target number. They record this on a number line and write the number in the box.
*If you need to spend time with your child to practise counting in 10s in further depth, please watch the video below and complete the activity. Please also spend time exploring the Dienes equipment to ensure they are confident in counting in 10s.