Aspire, Care, Learn for Life
For English today we'd like you to watch a short section of 'The Snail and the Whale' which is available on BBC iPlayer. It's a short clip where they are in an underground cave with some nasty looking sharks. You can obviously watch the whole programme but for this task we'd like you to focus on the part between 8.42 minutes and 10.00 minutes.
Can you think of some great adjectives to describe the setting of this clip?
How would you describe the sharks?
How do you think the snail feels when he sees the sharks?
How does the whale feel when he gets stuck getting out of the cave?
Now we'd like you to draw out a story map, like the ones shown below, to show what happened in just this little part of the story.
You may remember that we drew story maps earlier in the year for The Three Little Pigs and Sleeping Beauty. Your story map does not need to contain any words, but it should use pictures to show the sequence of events between the whale swimming into the cave and him finally swimming back out to safety at the end.
Please do take a picture of your map and email it to us, we are looking forward to seeing them.
Today we are going to be looking at a new topic - capacity and volume.
Watch the below video 'Lesson 4 - Introduce Capacity and Volume' which explains the concept of capacity and volume and also our key words for this lesson; empty, full, nearly empty and nearly full.
Apply your learning by filling up four containers and describe them using the vocabulary empty, full, nearly empty and nearly full. Take a photo as evidence of your learning.
Now, complete the activity below.
If you would like a challenge, you could explore the language of half full, half empty, a quarter full, a quarter empty. You will need 5 identical containers.
To demonstrate 'half full, half empty' - A full container could be shared equally between two empty containers, which reinforces the concept of a half as one whole shared equally into two parts. Say: the container is half full. The container is half empty. These can then be poured back into the ‘whole’ container.
To demonstrate 'a quarter full, a quarter empty'- Share the contents of a full container equally between four empty containers. Say: each container is one quarter full. Take three of the containers filled with a quarter and pour into the empty container. Mark on the container and say: A quarter of this container is still empty. This container is a quarter empty.
Take a photo as evidence of your learning!
You could also complete this quiz below.