
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life



Spelling Test

*Please conduct a spelling test of the spellings given out on Thursday you haven't already. New spellings to learn will be available tomorrow.*


Today we are learning to use adjectives to describe something. Have a look at the below scenes from The Enormous Turnip. Write down as many adjectives as you can for each one. Think about the setting that you can see, as well as what the characters look like and how they might be feeling.Please try to use challenging ones, for example, instead of 'happy' we could use 'overjoyed'.





Now, can you write a sentence for each picture using the adjectives that you have selected? For example:


The elderly farmer was relieved to have pulled out the enormous, colourful turnip from the dry, dirty ground and he could not believe how exhausted he felt!


* When we want to use more than one adjective next to each other, we must use a comma between them*


Could you also join two sentences together with 'and' using the above sentence as an example?


Problem of the Day... can you solve it? Please send us your answer on Seesaw.


Today we are going to be identifying one more and one less than a given number. When finding one more or one less, we are looking at the 'ones' in our number only. 


Can you find one more and one less than these numbers represented by Dienes? Can you practise making your numbers with your own Dienes? What Diene are you adding or taking away each time? 








Now, complete the below challenge of your choice!

