
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life


Daily tasks

 We are sure by now you probably have this routine set but do please check for any extra updates. 

TT rockstars for 20 minutes and read for 20 minutes. Lexia users to also complete 20 minutes of this too.

Make sure to do some physical activity. Either, tune in to Joe Wicks daily workout or a session of yoga from our list of websites within mindfulness and keeping activities.

Let us know of any other good PE websites that you have been using.

Listen to David Walliams on the web link below, which is releasing a free audio book each day at 11am.

New information - A week of these stories are now available on this website if you have missed any. They are changed each Sunday.

Spend 20 minutes learning how to touch type on the computer. Make sure to take time to work through each of the stages at your pace. The weblink for this is below.

Continue to volunteer to help with at least one task around the house, eg washing up, making your bed, making a drink for your household. 


Now it is time to refresh our minds back to fractions. Today we are going to be looking at adding fractions with the same denominator.

Have a look at page 1 of the fraction help sheet to recap the learning we have already done in class together.

Task 1 - Apply this understanding to solve the green, orange or red challenges relating to adding fractions with the same denominators. Please self mark using the answers at the end of the document.
Task 2 - Apply your learning to the interactive fraction addition game, linked below. Choose either challenge 1a or 2a to begin with. If you are confident to simplify fractions then you can move onto challenges 1b and 2b. Happy zapping!!
Extension - Only for those confident with fractions, and who will be moving on to adding fractions with different denominators. Try either the green or orange problem solving questions applying your understanding. (Note, the red challenge involves different denominators - you will get chance to look at this after the lesson tomorrow)


Following on from yesterdays work on reading and analysing a recipe for making Hot Cross Buns, you have chance to complete the work that you had started.


Task 1 - On page 5, select the remaining 8 words and look them up in a dictionary. If you do not have one at home, use an online dictionary. Then record the meaning of the word in your own words, not just copying the formal definition.


Task 2 - On page 6 are the scrambled words from the vocabulary task on the previous page. Can you unscramble them and then find them in the wordsearch?


Task 3 - You can then recap your understanding of conjunctions (words that join separate clauses together) on page 7.

As always, answers can be found at the end of the pack.

Extension - Play the conjunctions game attached. The instructions of how to play are included at the front of the resources.


Your mission for this set of sciences sessions is to become an expert in the characteristics of "living things". You will explore how living things can be grouped in a variety of ways; identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment; recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things and, construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey.

Session 1 - Characteristics of "living things"

Task 1 - Read slides 1 to 10 on the Living things Powerpoint. Complete the "Mrs Nerg" writing frame - selecting a challenge level of your choice.

Task 2 - Review slides 11 to 16. Then using the "Animal Picture Sheet" demonstrate that living things can be grouped together in a number of different ways, by completing the "Grouping Animals Activity Sheet" choosing your own challenge level.

Task 3 - Complete the "Carrol diagram activities".