Aspire, Care, Learn for Life
Hello all!
Welcome back to a new academic year and a new start for the TCC!
We are now back to holding the club 'over-the-board' on a Monday @3.30 - 4.30p.m. We have also taken receipt of 15 brand new chess sets and clocks which is highly exciting for the club.
I have attached information regarding the Chelmsford Junior Chess Club (CJCC) that is run by Robin Slade whom some children may know from the library. Robin is the guru where young peoples' chess is concerned and is himself a very strong chess player. I would definitely recommend joining to further your chess learning. I have also included the chess calendar link that Robin maintains so that you may get a taste of just how much chess is being played and is available to join - very exciting times for the game!
Just a reminder that all current non-year 6 members will automatically (unless they do not wish) renew their membership of the club this year so will not need to reapply.
I look forward to seeing everybody very soon. All the best!
Mr Viner