Aspire, Care, Learn for Life
How can you help?
We rely on willing parents to help plan, organise, supervise and attend our events, so please consider if you could spare a little time to contribute in any way. We need you!
Become a committee member
Committee members are parents/guardians with children in all year groups of the school. We meet roughly every 6 weeks during term times (normally on a weekday evening at school). If you are interested in becoming a committee member then why not come along to a meeting and see what we are all about. There is no obligation to commit for any length of time, and if you are new to the school then it’s a great way to meet other parents. As much or as little time you can spare is always appreciated. We would love to welcome some new faces and fresh ideas!
Volunteer to help at some of our events
We are always in need of volunteers to supervise the school discos and help out at the Christmas Bazaar and Inflatable Day. You can contact us now to be added to the FOT Helpers List and we will also send out forms before each event asking for help. Please do get involved, even if you can only spare an hour of time – every little counts!
*Please note: for some events a school DBS check is required so if you think you can help out regularly please speak to the school office to arrange
Attend our events
None of our events would be a success without the parents and children who attend and take part. We hope to see as many of you as possible at our next event!
Are you able to donate raffle or tombola prizes, or bake cakes? Or do you work for a company that might be able to help in any way, by offering a prize or food and drink supplies, or through matched fund-raising?
School Lottery
Join and support The Tyrrells School whilst also possibly winning something for yourself.
Sign up to
Sign-up for free on the website or download the app to shop at nearly 3,000 retailers online including Amazon, John Lewis, Argos and loads more. For each purchase, a percentage of the total spend is donated to Friends of Tyrrells (at no extra cost to you).
Use your Co-op Community Card
By using your card at Co-op stores, the Quadrant and Co-op Travel Centres, FOT gain points for every £1 you spend, which we can cash in at the end of each year. It costs you nothing but earns valuable funds for FOT. Cards are also available for friends and family members so please ask if you would like some more.
Recycle your textiles through FOT
We run regular Bags2School events to collect and recycle unwanted clothes. Please keep an eye on the FOT Facebook page and ParentMail for details.
Buy Adventure Island tickets through FOT
Discounted tickets for Adventure Island, Southend, are available through FOT to all family and friends.
Adventure Island Tickets £17
Sea Life Aquarium £8
Adventure Golf £5
Please contact us through Friends of Tyrrells Facebook page or email
Buy STIKINS name labels
One easy name label with multiple uses, such as clothing, shoes, bags, water bottles and lunch boxes. Easy to use: no sewing or ironing required.
Available from . Please quote the school reference number when placing an order : 23445 and earn cashback for FOT.