Aspire, Care, Learn for Life
In Phonics today we will be looking at plurals which have the -es ending.
Watch the video below to guide your learning today.
Can you work out the spelling of the plurals below?
Now, have a look at the table below. Are the plural pictures sorted correctly?
Today we will be learning a familiar traditional tale called 'The Enormous Turrnip'. We will be looking in particular at retelling the story through freeze frames.
Read the story of 'The Enormous Turnip'' below.
Now, discuss the story using the following questions as prompts:
Did you enjoy this story?
Is there a pattern in the story/are there any parts that are repeated?
How do the characters feel at different points in the story?
Is there a moral to the story?
Now we are going to look at what freeze frames are and how to recreate one effectively. Look at the picture below.
These actors are in a freeze frame. A freeze frame is created when actors stop or 'freeze' at a point in the story. They tell you how they are feeling using their bodies and faces only but they cannot move or speak. Can you say what each person is feeling by looking at the shapes that they are making with their bodies and the expressions that are on their faces? If you have a mirror at home, you could practise freeze frames of a few of these emotions. Remember to be incredibly still and use your whole body and your face to show how you're feeling:
- overjoyed
- terrified
- bored
- grumpy
- nervous
Look at the way that your face and body tell a story about how you feel.
How would some of the characters in The Enormous Turnip be feeling? Would they be excited to see what the turnip looked like? Would they be shocked when the turnip is pulled out? Would they feel interested when they were called to help? How would your face and body represent this?
Choose a part of the story and show this using a freeze frame! Take a photo of yourself (and others if you can) and write what part of the story you are showing us!
Problem of the Day... can you solve it? Please send us your answer on Seesaw.
Today we are learning to identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line. We will also be revising how to use the language of: equal to, more than, less than, most, least.
Yesterday you learnt how to compare numbers using the inequality symbols below:
Use these symbols to describe the numbers represented in the pictures below. Can you solve the challenges?
Use the hundred square to compare the numbers in the picture below.
Can you make and complete your own comparison sentence?
Now, have a go at the below challenge of your choice!