
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


Thank you for visiting the Year 4 page. This is where you will find information about our learning. If you have questions, please contact us on the email addresses below. 


Mr Little, Miss Wood and Mrs Bude

Year Four Knowledge Organisers

Meet the Teacher

Colchester Castle - Autumn 2

During the second half-term, both Year 4 classes went to Colchester Castle to deepen their understanding of The Romans. The children had a story telling tour which involved going below the castle grounds. They were set team building tasks to build a roundhouse and a Roman Villa. Throughout the day, the children had time to explore the museum and interact with the artefacts.

Forest School - Autumn 1

During the first half-term, both Year 4 classes took part in two Forest School sessions each. They thoroughly enjoyed their time in the outdoors and worked on many skills including teamwork and perseverance.

Meet the Teacher
