
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


Thank you for visiting the Year 4 page. This is where you will find information about our learning. If you have questions, please contact us on the email addresses below. 


Mr Little, Miss Wood and Mrs Bude

Year Four Knowledge Organisers

Homework  - 23.1.2025

Due Wednesday 29th January


  • Maths - Times Table Rock Stars - 20 minutes of garage sessions.
  • Personal reading - 5 periods of 20 minutes during the week. Signed once by an adult at home.
  • Spellings - for each of the spellings, write a sentence to demonstrate your understanding of the spelling word. Check you have spelt your spelling word accurately and then underline your spelling word.



Homework  - 16.1.2025

Due Wednesday 22nd January


  • Personal reading - 5 periods of 20 minutes during the week. Signed once by an adult at home.
  • Maths - can you apply your knowledge of division methods to solve the following questions:
    • 96 ÷ 3 =
    • 96 ÷ 4 =
    • 496 ÷ 8 =                          Remember to show your workings!!
    • 584 ÷ 8 =
    • 696 ÷ 6 =
    • 882 ÷ 7 =                       
  • Spellings - for each of the spellings, write a sentence to demonstrate your understanding of the spelling word. Check you have spelt your spelling word accurately and then underline your spelling word.



Homework  - 09.01.2025

Due Wednesday 15th January


  • Maths - Times Table Rock Stars - 20 minutes of garage session.
  • Personal reading - 5 periods of 20 minutes during the week. Signed once by an adult at home.
  • Spellings - for each of the spellings, write a sentence to demonstrate your understanding of the spelling word. Check you have spelt your spelling word accurately and then underline your spelling word.



Science w/c 30.9.24 - How can we make the best string phone?


In our Sound topic, we have been investigating how to create the most effective string phone. Each group selected a variable to change and recorded how many words we could hear from a message transmitted by our partner. We finished our investigation by collating our findings.


Meet the Teacher

Meet the Teacher
