
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!


Thank you for visiting our Year 1 page. We will be sharing lots of the activities, visits and events that we have been involved in on this page. We hope you enjoy sharing our learning with us. 


Miss Bradbrook, Mrs. Bird and Mrs. Mateer

Year One Knowledge Organisers

Barleylands Farm

At the end of May, all of Year One travelled on a huge double decker coach to Barleylands Farm for a fabulous 'Farm to Fork' experience. 


We learnt how flour is made from wheat, made a healthy snack, spotted fruits, herbs and vegetables growing in the poly tunnel and fed some animals in the petting barn. We also had a super bumpy tractor ride! Luckily, the weather didn't dampen our spirits and we all had a great day.


Thank you again to FOT for our Hooks and Highlights money as some of it was used to subsidise this trip. A huge thanks also to the kind parents who gave up their time to come and help on the day. We couldn't have done it without you and really appreciated all of your help.


1B Forest School Summer sessions

Class 1B have really enjoyed their Forest School sessions with Mr Fenn this term, especially when they made a fire and toasted marshmallows! Here are some great pictures of some of their activities. 

History off the Page

At the start of March we were lucky enough to have a visit from History off the Page, and were all transported back in time to a day at a Victorian seaside resort. The children enjoyed making souvenirs, investigating old cameras and playing seaside games. They made a train ticket and had a ride on a steam train, wrote postcards, made careful coin rubbings from large old pennies, shillings and sixpences, dressed up in Victorian seaside clothes and enjoyed many other seaside activities. The session finished with a traditional Punch and Judy show - with the children keeping a careful eye out for the crocodile eating the sausages, and Mr Punch being quite naughty!


The whole year group listened to our visitor Craig beautifully, behaved amazingly well and were thoroughly engaged for the entire day. We are so proud of you Year One, thank you for making it a really lovely experience for everyone involved.


A huge thank you also to the parents and friends of the school who came to help on the day and made the event run so smoothly. We definitely couldn't have done it without you!


We would also like to thank Friends of Tyrrells, and all who support their events, as the entire experience was paid for by the 'Hooks and Highlights' money which each year group receives to spend on enriching the children's learning. The children LOVED it!


Sea Poems

Year One have been learning poems off by heart this half term in small groups.

Here are some of the performances from 1B.


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Sand poem.MOV

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Under the Sea poem.MOV

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Under the Sea.mp4

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Under the Sea 2.mp4

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The Gingerbread Man

Year One have been using their senses to explore gingerbread this week, having read the story of The Gingerbread Man last week. 


1B then wrote a whole class poem.


Our Gingerbread Poem by 1B

Gingerbread is strong and spicy.

Gingerbread is cute and cheeky.

Gingerbread is smooth and bumpy.

Gingerbread is delicious and crunchy!


All of Year One learnt another poem to perform as a class.

We hope that you enjoy our performances!

1MB's Gingerbread Poem

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Gingerbread by 1B

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Estate Agent Visit

Year One have had a brilliant visit from Fiona, who works at an Estate Agents in Chelmsford. She told them all about the process of buying and selling houses. The children had written lots of great questions for Fiona in our English lessons, and they were very keen to ask her them! We also looked at house brochures and talked about all of the tasks that Fiona and the other people at the Estate Agents carry out on a daily basis. 

A huge thank you to Fiona for coming to see us again - it was really lovely to hear about all of the Fairytale characters that have been looking for new houses and we are looking forward to creating new houses for them to live in during the next few weeks. 

Black History Month

For Black History Month, both Year One classes worked on combined art and history projects about two famous black female singers. 


1MB learnt all about Heather Small and listened to some of her music. 

1B learnt all about Dame Shirley Bassey and listened to some of her music. 


Each class then noted down some facts about each inspiring black woman and we each created a piece of art work to display based on what we discovered about them.

Autumn Walk

The children in Year One have been looking at the changes in the season that we can spot now that we are firmly in the autumn. 


By looking really carefully in the school grounds, we spotted different coloured leaves, puddles of rain, big rain clouds, acorns and their cups and we all also agreed that it's definitely got colder!


Keep your eyes out over half term for more autumnal changes in the natural world. Maybe you could make a colourful leaf picture and send us a photo of it by email? What changes can you spot around where you live?

Meet the Teacher

Many thanks to the parents and carers who attended the Meet the Teacher session for Year One. Please find the presentation used at the meeting for your information. Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions about your child's learning in Year One.

The Tyrrells School Virtual Library

This collection includes a whole range of stories and books suitable for different ages and some lovely books to support emotional wellbeing and cultural development.


Just click on the book cover and it will take you to an audiobook video! These are brilliant for children to use while they are at home to access additional reading materials.

Useful Websites...

Archived Content (Academic Year 2019/20)
