Aspire, Care, Learn for Life
Today we will be revising the Phase 5 sounds along with the long /oo/ sound.
Go through the phase 5 sounds that you have been taught this year. Practise saying some words that you may know that contain some of these sounds. Can you make up a few silly sentences to say to an adult out loud with these words in?
Today, we would like you to finish off writing your scarecrow stories. If you've done a great job keeping up with the tasks, you should just have a couple of sections left to write:
Solution - explain how your scarecrow gets the present made. Who helped them? Were there any problems on the way?
End - the wedding! Did Betty and Harry like the present from your scarecrow? Did your scarecrow enjoy the wedding? What did they all do at the wedding? Was it the best wedding yet?
It's a really good idea to read what you have already written before you start writing again today. Does it all make sense? Have you included all of the words that you need? Could you squeeze in any new adjectives to improve your work?
Hopefully you have already explained that they need to find and make a present for the wedding, and so today you are going to explain how they get that present. If the setting changes, don't forget to describe what the new one is like. If anyone helps you scarecrow character, remember to tell the reader a bit about the new character.
Don't forget that you will need to write in full sentences. As you write, try to remember our Year One writing objectives:
We really look forward to reading your completed stories. so don't forget to upload them onto Seesaw so that we can see them. Some of the plans that we saw last week were so creative and imaginative, I bet Julia Donaldson would enjoy the stories too!
We've included the finished version of the story that we have written, if we were in class we would write something like this together and then say what was great about it and maybe improve little bits here and there as we went along. Can you see any part that you think that you could improve?
Problem of the Day: Can you solve it? Send us your answer on Seesaw please.
Today we will be learning to find double and half of an amount of money.
Return to the Big Picture below of the market scene.
Explain that the pig normally buys one pack of bricks for £5, but today he needs double the amount.
Ask: What does it mean to double an amount? Explain that double means two equal amounts added together.
Show a £5 note. Explain that if the pig buys double the amount of bricks, it will cost double. Physically add another £5 note.
Represent this on the part-whole model. Highlight how the amount of money in each of the parts is exactly the same. The parts are equal. When we double we add the two equal parts to find the whole.
Ak: How much do the pig’s bricks cost altogether?
Children say: The bricks cost ten pounds altogether. The whole is ten pounds. Double five pounds is ten pounds.
Explain that the witch normally buys £7 of sweets, but today she is buying double.
Ask: How could we represent the witch’s purchase on a part-whole model? What is the whole?
The answer to double seven should be a known fact to some children by this point in Year 1. For others, encourage the use of the ‘Make ten’ strategy, by partitioning seven into three (to make ten) and four, to give 14.
Ask: Which of these representations could also show double £7?
Discuss which representations do show double seven, and discuss the fact that although some representations show a whole of 14, they do not show double seven as ‘double’ must be two equal parts.
Task 1
Set up a shop with items priced as whole pounds between £1 and £10. Children calculate what it would cost for them both to buy the same item, using doubling. They require 20 pound coins to represent the amounts (these could be drawn or cut out using the resource below).
Child selects an item from the shop and represents doubling it on a part-whole model using pound coins, ensuring the parts are equal.
Child then moves the pound coins to the ‘whole’ section and says the total cost.
If possible, children should use a known double fact.
Have a look again at the picture of the market.
Draw attention to the boots at the far stall, which were £10 but are now half price.
Ask: The boots were £10 and now they’re half price. What does half price mean?
Children say: Half means the whole has been shared into two equal parts.
Ask: How can I represent this question on the part-whole model?
Model placing ten pound coins in the whole section of a part-whole model, then sharing the pound coins equally between the two parts.
Ask: How much will the boots cost now?
Change your shop that you set up for Task 1 so that all items cost an even number of pounds and put up a half price sign, explaining the concept of a half-price sale.
Ask: In the half-price sale, how much will the […] cost?
How can I represent that on a part-whole model?
Show children how to calculate the price by making the amount in the whole part of a part-whole model, then sharing the pound coins equally between the two parts.
Show children the below part-whole model and ask:
Can you use the words ’half’ and ’double’ to talk about the part-whole model?
Show the children the part whole model below and ask:
Which representations show half of £12? Which don’t? Why?
Discuss how although all of the wholes are £12, only some representations show half because they have equal parts.
Now have a go at the below activity.