
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life


Maths - Lesson 1 - Number Bonds to 10


Today we are going to be looking at Number Bonds to 10.

Number bonds to 10 are when two numbers come together to make a total of 10.


9 and 1 are a Number Bond to 10 because they go together to make 10. Count the 9 smiley faces and the 1 heart below to make sure they make a total of 10. 


smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley heart

9 + 1 = 10


Now have a go at these activities:


First: Have a look at Mr Fenn's rhyme


Next: Look at the rhyme on the PowerPoint.


Then: Make your very own Number Bond Book. 

Mr Fenn's Number Bond Rhyme

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Maths - Lesson 1 - Number Bonds
