Aspire, Care, Learn for Life
Here are your spellings to practise for next week. How did you get on in your test?
If you would like an extra challenge, see if you can think of any other words with the same spelling pattern - write them down and then check your spellings with an adult - did you follow the pattern correctly?
Have a look at the three letter formation videos and then complete the handwriting sheet or have a go on your own in your exercise book. Don't forget the golden handwriting rules!
(Can you remember them? Tell someone else what they are!)
Reading Comprehension
There are three levels to choose from for this activity. Please choose the level most appropriate for your child. There's some guidance on how tricky each level is in the image below.
Children should read the text and then answer the questions, giving as much detail as possible. Sometimes they are asked to answer in full sentences, so please encourage them to do this where appropriate.
The reading task guidance gives you an outline of the type of questions used in these comprehension exercises - and some ideas of the type of questions that you can use when reading at any time with your children at home.
Today we are going to be measuring weight using standard units.
You will need:
Pupils have a range of objects that differ in mass, e.g. bags of peas, a pencil, a cushion. They select and hold the object in one hand and the item weighing 1kg in the other. Discuss together whether they think the object weighs heavier than 1kg, about the same as 1kg or lighter than 1kg. Encourage them to answer in full sentences.
‘I think that the pencil weighs less than 1kg because it feels lighter than 1kg’.
Record the experiment using the pdf below.
Lastly, make sure you've had a look at the Foundation Subjects for this week too - they are all quite simple and fun activities. We felt that by giving you all of them at the start of the week, you could choose which day you would like to do each one to suit you. Has anyone labelled an animal or looked for technology around their house?
Have a good weekend everyone, and we'll see you all back here on Monday. Be good!