Aspire, Care, Learn for Life
Can you answer 20 division questions in one minute? How speedy are you? Can you beat the teacher’s score of 21 seconds? Try the ÷2, ÷3, ÷5 or ÷10 challenge. Click on the Maths Magician link below or if you fancy something a little slower paced then have a go at the Puppy Food division game where you can practise sharing out numbers equally.
Now you’re nicely warmed up, today we would like you to get creative! We would like you to create your own board game based around division. You may include division facts or word problems involving division depending on your style of game and your theme. We have included some board game templates below or you may want to create your own! There is also a board game ready to play included below but we think you can be far more imaginative! Have fun!