
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life


Maths - Lesson 5 - 2D and 3D Shape Patterns


This week we have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We have been using them to create patterns.

Today we would like you to start by looking at the pattern songs (See below).


Then we would like you to create a 2D shape pattern by drawing it on a piece of paper.

We would like you to create a 3D shape pattern using objects from your home and take a picture of your pattern.

You can take a picture of both of your patterns and pop them on Tapestry.


Have fun creating your patterns!

Shapes Song 2

A shapes song for children. If this video corrupts, please try the link below. This song was written and performed...

3D Shapes Song | Shapes for kids | The Singing Walrus
