
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life



Today we are going to revise the long ‘o’ sound.

Watch the below video to refresh your memory of the different spelling graphemes.

Practise writing the sound buttons on these word to identify the different long /o/ spellings. How many different spelling graphemes can you see for this sound?


float   moan   coach   throat

tomato   potato   hold   both   gold

toe   woe   foe   heroes

explode   envelope   note   those   stone

bowl   glow   window   bowl


Now, have a go at identifying the words containing the long /o/ spelling graphemes in this picture below!


Today you get to be authors and illustrators!

Have a look at the pages from the non-fiction books below and talk about how they are constructed. Can you find the heading? Where can you see a caption? What does the caption tell you? Are there any labels on the pages? What are the labels usually next to? Look carefully at the page layout and discuss where the heading, caption and photographs are situated.


Using the animal research notes that you completed yesterday, we’d like you to take today AND tomorrow to create two, three or four pages which will make up a book about farm animals for the Farm Captain to use. Take your time and really think about what you would like to write in each sentence. Use the techniques that we always use at school; think of your sentence, say your sentence (more than once helps), count the words, write the sentence and then read it back to yourself to check it. 


Using my notes from yesterday, I might write the following page on cows: 


Try to cover the subjects that we mentioned yesterday in your writing in order to really help him understand all about the animals: 

Appearance (what they look like, their height, weight and size)

Diet (what the animal eats)

Young (what the babies are called and how they are different)

Uses (what the animal can give the farmer)


Don’t forget to draw or print off pictures to complete your pages.

We have included a template below for you to work from if you like, or you can just set the pages out in your exercise book. (There are three page choices; thin lines, wide lines and less lines depending on your child's handwriting size and ability.)


Please don't forget that this is a two day English task, so there's no need to rush it. Please upload your completed work to Seesaw so that we can see how you are getting on. The Computing task this week will help you make a fantastic cover for your book too!


Problem of the Day: Can you solve it? Send us your answer on Seesaw please.

Today we are learning to order numbers within 100.


Jess claims that 97 is less than 79 because 7 ones are less than 9 ones.

Ask: Is this child correct? Why/why not? Can you prove it?

Children use Dienes to prove that 97 is in fact greater than 79.


Have a look at the two numbers below. Which number is greater? Ask children to prove it using Dienes. Ask them to place the Dienes in the correct column on a place value chart for each number. 


Now, take a look at the below picture, where we have now introduced the number 72.

Ask:  If we were to order these numbers smallest to greatest, where should 72 go in the sequence? How do you know?

Children to repeat: 72 should go after 56 but before 92. I looked at the tens first and 72 has seven tens which is greater than the five tens in 56, but less than the nine tens in 92.

Game: 'Play your cards right’

You will need:

- Dienes

- The below link to access randomly generated 2-digit numbers. Once loaded, click on the right hand side to change it from a wheel to cards.

Adult generates a number on a card, e.g. 64, and represents the number using Dienes .

Ask: Is the next number going to be 'greater' or 'less than' 64?

Child predicts if their number will be greater or less than 64.

Child says: You have 64, I think my number will be greater.

Child generates another 2-digit number and represents their number using Dienes.  If child is correct, adult continues with a prediction etc. As soon as someone predicts incorrectly, the other person wins a point. The winner is the one with the most points at the end.


Now, have a go at the below challenge. Choose 4 numbers from your number generator. Order them from greatest to least value, then from least to greatest. Use the example below to help you.


*You can now start to practise drawing Dienes like in the example below. We represent a 'tens' stick as a DIAGONAL line so as not to confuse it with the number 1. Ones are represented as dots.

