
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life



Now we imagine there will be a huge sigh of relief when you find out that we are starting to move away from fractions!!!!!! Today, we are going to be look at tenths and how they relate to decimals.

Read the first PowerPoint about Tenths as decimals. (Main focus is on the fluency aspect)Then complete either the first set of mild, spicy or hot challenges from the worksheet below.

Now, we will look at how tenths sit on a number line. Review the Powerpoint that explains this, again focussing only on the fluency aspect) Then have a go at completing either the mild, spicy or hot challenge in the worksheet below.


Firstly, watch the weblink below between 00:00 to 1:02 and then 1:24 to the end (The middle scene you may found upsetting, hence we are not suggesting you watch that). Then, look at the images of the impact of plastic pollution on animals.

Shocking isn't it!?!?!?

Over the next three days, you are going to be conducting research for our hot write, which is a persuasive piece of writing about stopping plastic pollution. To support this you need facts to be able to support your argument and to cause people to change their habits.

You can conduct your own research today and tomorrow, about the impact of plastic pollution.

One paragraph could be on the most significant consequence plastic pollution is having, eg damage to marine animals. Another paragraph could be about the second most signifiant consequence plastic pollution is having eg plastic entering the food chain.

Below you can find some supporting articles to support your research, but feel free to conduct your own research and explore the area that interests you the most.

Remember - Notes should be in the form of bullet points they do not need to be full sentences.

Computing - Internet safety (Really important activity)

With a grown up - watch the video from the 'Think You Know..' website.  Only watch the first video - 'Block him right good, Alfie'.

After watching the video, use the prompts from the parent activity sheet to discuss the questions with your grown-up at home.

Design a poster for Sam, Ellie and Alfie's new band  - 'Selfie'.  Can you display the talents and personality of each of the characters? Remember to load up your pictures onto Seesaw for us to see.

Physical Education

As the computing session, may not fill your afternoon time, why not have a go at the activities listed out for the letters of your name. Why not challenge your family to get up and moving and spell out their name too!!
