
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life



Here are your spellings to practise for next week. How did you get on in your test?





Have a look at the three letter formation videos and then complete the handwriting sheet or have a go on your own in your exercise book. Don't forget the golden handwriting rules!

(Can you remember them? Tell someone else what they are!)



There are three levels to choose from for this activity. Please choose the level most appropriate for your child. There's some guidance on how tricky each level is in the image below.

Children should read the text and then answer the questions, giving as much detail as possible. Sometimes they are asked to answer in full sentences, so please encourage them to do this where appropriate. 

The reading task guidance gives you an outline of the type of questions used in these comprehension exercises - and some ideas of the type of questions that you can use when reading at any time with your children at home.


Problem of the Day: Can you solve it? Send us your answer on Seesaw or by email.

Today we are learning to recognise one more and one fewer and ten more and ten fewer.

Show children a group of ten pencils/pen secured together by an elastic band and three single pencils/pens.

Ask: How many pencils do I have?

Say: There are 13 pencils: one group of ten pencils and three single pencils.

Make sure that the children are counting on from the group of ten, e.g. 10, 11, 12, 13.

Add one more pencil and ask children to complete the sentence:

13 pencils add one more is ___ pencils.

Say: 14 is one more than 13. 13 is one fewer than 14. We use fewer here, instead of less, because we are talking about objects we can count.

Continue adding one more, always completing the sentence as above and checking by counting 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, etc

Say: When we are talking about ONE more and ONE less, the ONES change and the tens stay the same


Watch the video and complete the task below. Children identify one more and one less than the numbers on the grid. They prove their answers using Dienes.

Make the number 36 using Dienes. Add one more ten. Ask children what number has been made now?

Children to repeat: 36 is three tens and six ones. Ten more than 36 is 46, which is four tens and six ones. The ones stayed the same.


Make 36 again and repeat with ten less.

Children to repeat: 36 is three tens and six ones. Ten less than 36 is 26, which is two tens and six ones. The ones stayed the same.


The below video will help children with the concept of the tens changing in the place value chart for ten more and ten less.


Choose a challenge to work on below!
