
The Tyrrells School

Aspire, Care, Learn for Life



*Please conduct a spelling test of the spellings given out last Friday. New spellings to learn will be available on Friday's page.

Please test these next Thursday!*


Read the below passage.

Create a table with the headings 'ow' 'oa' 'o' 'o-e' 'oe' and sort the words below under the correct heading.


The slow goat walked out of the open gate.

I told Dad I could eat most of the toast.

I’ll show you the toad that hopped into the bowl.

They saw the note in the envelope float past the window.

Joe had a big moan when he hurt his toe on the big stone.


For English today we would like you to continue working on the pages for your non-fiction book about Farm Animals. Hopefully you managed to write about one or two animals yesterday, turning your lovely notes and research into helpful full sentences for the Farm Captain.


Check carefully in your writing today. Have you remembered capital letters and full stops? Are your finger spaces nice and clear? Have you spelt all the common words correctly? (Check on the word mat below.)


Then you can really boost your writing up a level – can you include a sneaky adjective anywhere? Could you join two facts or pieces of information by using the word ‘and’? Could you write an exclamation sentence and finish it with an exclamation mark? Or could you include a question mark at the end of a question? In non-fiction books, they often start questions with ‘Do you know’ or ‘Did you know’… Can you use that in your writing today? Aim high Year One, you can do it!


Once you’ve finished your pages, see if you can make them into a book that we could send to the Farm Captain – and please remember to take some pictures to send to us on Seesaw. We really look forward to seeing the finished product.


Parents, if you are interested, we have included a check list of writing objectives that we would share with the children when they work on a piece of writing like this in class, in order to make sure that they try to include all of the features that they can in their writing. Some will not apply to this text type - but it may be useful for you to see what children in Year One are expected to do when writing or the next steps that they might be expected to take. 


Problem of the Day: Can you solve it? Send us your answer on Seesaw please.

Today we are going to be learning to identify the pattern in a sequence of numbers.


Have a look at the below videos which are a fun way to revise counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10! If you are not sure how to do this confidently on your own, please spend time working on this skill by practising the songs again and playing 'counting in twos/fives/tens tennis' with an adult. This is where an adult starts on zero, bats the number to you and you say two, five or ten more than that number depending on what sequence rule you have chosen!

You can also play 'Whack a Mole' below to help you to practise these skills further. You will have to adjust the 'steps' of the number sequence on the left hand side. 

Show the number pattern below and read out loud together.


30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80


Ask: What is happening in this sequence? What do you notice about the number of ones in this pattern?


Explain that in order to understand what is happening in a sequence, we must identify whether it is increasing or decreasing and by how much (we have covered these terms before so children should be familiar).


Now make 30 in Dienes and say the sequence again, this time adding a ten stick each time.

Ask: How many Dienes am I adding on each time to move through the sequence?

Children to repeat: You are adding sticks of ten so that means my sequence is going up in ten. It is increasing by ten each time.


Have a look at the pattern below. Ensure children have their Dienes to use. Ask questions about the numbers displayed e.g.

Are the numbers increasing or decreasing? How do you know?

By how many are the numbers increasing?

Can you show me using your Dienes?




Now, take a look at the sequences in this document below. Children to make the sequence using Dienes and explain the what is happening in the sequence. Please ensure that they use the terms 'increasing' and 'decreasing' as practised.

Now lets try to find a missing number in a sequence.

22, 32, __, 52, 62

Ask: What do you notice about the numbers in this pattern?

What is the missing number?

How do you know?


Ask children to prove their answer by representing this pattern using Dienes. They should establish the rule and apply it to find the missing number.

Children repeat: The pattern is increasing by ten each time and so the missing number is 42.


Have a go at the activities below. Choose your own challenge!
